Organizing Cluttered Office Space: Office Cleaning Tips

Organizing cluttered office space and keeping an organized office can be tough. You’re busy managing clients, planning projects, and running day-to-day office activities. Who has the room or time for organizing cluttered office space? What many people don’t realize, is that putting in the time to set up an organization system now will save you time in the long run. Here are some tips to get you started.
Inventory your supplies – Organizing cluttered office space
Before organizing cluttered office space, see if there’s anything you can throw away or digitize first. Getting rid of clutter now will help you save time organizing it later. If you don’t use something, toss it out. If there are things you could digitize, do so. Sort through what you can throw out, donate, and digitize.
A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place
Decide what your organizational system will look like. Try sketching it out. What would it look like with file folders? A set of drawers? Maybe all you need is a desk organizer? Plan out in your head how you will do your organizing. Look to the Internet for inspiration. Pinterest is a great resource, or you can go to Office Depot and take a look at their organizational supplies to see what you could use in your work space. There is a wide variety of options out there, and you can do one of them, or all of them.
When Organizing Cluttered Office Space, Clean Everything!
Before you bring anything new into your space, clean what’s already there. Do some vacuuming, wipe off all surfaces, dust the inside of your keyboard, wipe down your office chairs, etc. Thoroughly clean everything. A clean space will help keep your head clean when you bring in new organizational supplies.
Purchase Your Supplies when organizing cluttered office space
Whatever you’ve decided to buy, bring it into the office. You can purchase from Office Depot, Amazon, or you way wish to go through a wholesaler. Popular supplies are sets of drawers for supplies, supply carts, filing cabinets, and desk organizers. Utilize all your options for organizing your workplace.
When Organizing Cluttered Office Space, Set Up Your System
Set up your filing cabinets and drawers on a wall that is easily accessible for everyone. Create labels for each drawer so people can immediately know which drawer they need to access. Organize everything inside; don’t throw objects in. Invest in some clear acrylic drawer organizers to keep everything tidy.
Create a clear filing system. You may want to file by client number, name, or date, but make sure it’s easily accessible. Create labels for each file. Utilize the space on top of each cabinet by buying desk organizers to help tidy up smaller supplies like paper clips and thumb tacks. This would also be a great place to set up a mailing system.
Create an efficient and ergonomic system. Keep the items used most often in the most accessible place, so that no time is wasted reaching for them.
Don’t forget to organize your cables as well! A stream of cables under a desk is a hazard and is also unsightly. Invest in cable ties, cable drops, and wall stickers to tackle those messy cables.
In Closing
Organizing cluttered office space may sound painful, but it doesn’t have to be. Getting organized now will save you a headache later and will also help speed up your workflow. Investing in your organizational system now is an investment into your business, and a tidy work space is more conducive to productivity.
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