Can the lack of proper office cleaning make you ill?

While some soldier through and make their way to work when they’re unwell, it’s not the best strategy for their colleagues. We should avoid spreading germs as much as possible. Some people blame other commuters or co-workers when they catch a cold, but it may come down to your office design or maintaining proper office cleaning routines. According to a recent study, workplace layout can also have a surprising effect on how often we get sick. Architects sometimes design office space to appeal to the aesthetic, forgetting that we need a good source of natural light, fresh smells, and less background noise. Let’s look at some of the issues and possible solutions to create a healthier working environment.
Sick building syndrome
We’re still trying to fully understand sick building syndrome and cannot diagnose it precisely but it has become more common than all other building-related diseases combined. The symptoms can include headaches, runny noses, fatigue and dry itchy skin, which results in people taking more sick leave or underperforming at work. The problem could be with the building, the working environment or the way in which office work is organized. Symptoms seem to disappear once people leave the building, but in some cases, they can trigger other conditions making it even more difficult to identify the cause.
While some remain skeptical of the syndrome considering it’s possibly concocted by people who are less productive than they should be, studies have pointed to varies possible culprits. Poor insulation and small impurities in the air which are escaping from old-style paints, carpets, photocopiers, and other sources, do seem to be combining to make the air impure. This had a direct effect on breathing and oxygen intake and that may result in an employee’s ability to retain their ability to concentrate.
Proper Office Cleaning – Open plan offices
Research carried out in Stockholm came to some logical conclusions. The more open space your offices have, the more likely for you to become unwell. People coming to work with colds can quickly spread it around the whole office through coughs, use of common areas such as toilets, or by touching surfaces. Before you know it, many staff have the sniffles and are calling in sick. The study also revealed a higher percentage of sick leave is recorded in offices that have an open plan layout, with no individual workstations. In such environments, proper and daily cleaning of your offices are paramount to stop the spread of viruses and diseases.
Proper Office Cleaning & Ventilation
Poor air circulation makes it very easy for germs such as the flu to spread. Circulation in older buildings can also lead to a build-up of low amounts of carbon monoxide and other particles which contribute to breathing problems. Of course, depending on pollution levels, indoor air can be treated so that it is better quality than outdoor air. It’s always best to keep ventilation ducts open and free from obstruction. Printers and fax machines still emit ozone, which may combine with other organic chemicals in the workplace, and the use of the wrong cleaning products sprayed on walls and floors at night add to the toxic mix.
Fiber-based items such as sofas and carpets are a breeding ground for all sorts of viruses and mold, especially where a carpet has become wet in the past and left untreated. Allergens found in dirty upholstery and carpets can inflame all sorts of allergies and reactions including asthma attacks can occur. Proper and scheduled cleaning of any fiber-based office furniture is a must.
Desk cleaning
Apart from keeping desks clear and tidy, it’s vital they are cleaned properly and on an on-going basis. Unclean keyboards have been shown to contain more bacteria than found on a toilet seat. Unclean fingers quickly and easily transfer germs to other parts of the desk and beyond.
By combing these cleaning practices you can protect your employees and provide a better and more productive environment for everyone involved.
Workplace Illness Prevention Tips
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