How to clean your computer at work: Best ways to properly clean & sanitize your office computer, screen, keyboard & mouse

Learning how to clean your computer at work is a chore that is often overlooked. Since we use our computers every single day, they sometimes need a little tender loving care to look their best. Germs and bacteria can also thrive on the surfaces of a dirty computer, especially on the keyboard, mouse and touch screen.
We often don’t have time to do a complete office cleaning with our busy work schedules. We are here to show you how to clean your computer at work once a week and make a big difference in your daily life!
How to Clean Your Computer at Work: Cleaning Your Computer Housing & Screen
First turn off your computer monitor. There should be a button on the front of it that allows you to do this. Usually the button will be separate from your computer’s CPU, so you can turn the monitor off without turning off the actual computer.
Second, take a dry cloth (reusable dusting cloths for handheld Swiffer dusters work well) and dust the housing parts of your computer and monitor. This is an important part of learning how to clean your computer at work. Throughout the week, a fine layer of dust will accumulate on the computer casings, plastic parts of your monitor and the actual screen as well.
After you’ve removed all the dust, if you have a normal computer monitor, you can just take a normal disinfectant wipe and wipe down the screen. Give it a little time to dry, and then you can turn your monitor on and it’s clean and ready to use!
If you have a touchscreen, skip the disinfectant wipe and go for a wipe made especially for electronic screens. You can usually find these at electronics’ stores or online.
How to Clean Your Computer at Work: Cleaning Your Keyboard
First disconnect your keyboard. Tip it over to see if you can get any loose debris out using gravity. After you’ve done this step, purchase a can of compressed air, usually found in the electronics department of any store. Use the compressed air to clean out debris and dust that has collected in between the keys.
Next wipe the keyboard with a dry dusting cloth to remove the dust, followed by a disinfectant wipe. Allow to dry, and then plug it back into your computer. Always handle the keyboard gently when applying these techniques on how to clean your computer at work.
How to Clean Your Computer at Work: Cleaning Your Mouse
If you eat at your desk, your mouse may be especially dirty. Even if you don’t, giving it a once-a-week cleaning will help maintain a clean and germ-free office environment.
First, disconnect it from your computer. Then, using a dry cloth, remove any excess dirt and grime from the outside. Then carefully run a toothpick through any crevices on the surface of the mouse to remove any visible debris.
Next dip a Q-tip in some isopropyl alcohol, and run it over the surface of the mouse. Be sure to include the mouse’s sensor on the bottom. If needed, use a small screwdriver to carefully remove the mouse’s cover to get at any hard-to-remove debris.
Once this is complete, allow to dry, and your mouse is clean and ready for use!
Learning how to clean your computer at work can do a lot for the longevity of your computer. It can also help cut down on the spreading of germs and sicknesses in the office. The best part is, cleaning your computer at work if done regularly, is a quick integration into your weekly routine. It takes 5-10 minutes, which is hardly any effort at all!
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